Thursday, April 28, 2005

If it ain't broke

My friend Bastya mentions on his blog that he isn't fixed. This reminds me - I'm not fixed either! But Mama thinks I am. I was fine to begin with. Then when I was not even a year old, Mama paid all this money to have them "fix" me. They snipped something and ya know what? I never got it back! They broke it is what they did, and told Mama I'm fixed. She got ripped off big time.


At May 05, 2005 10:33 AM, Blogger Simone said...

Yeah, tell it like it is. It sounds like "they" are a bunch of dummies! Snipped my nails too, but they grew back. I showed them! Hopefully your nails grew back too, Bastya. A life without digging is no life at all.


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