Thursday, March 24, 2005

No respect for Easter bunnies

Mama's leaving me in the care of strangers! While she goes off to the beach, taking that foul-smelling pug with her. I wanted to come along. It makes me sad when Mama goes away. But she said there's no room in the car and besides, I don't care for being on the road ten consecutive hours.

So she has a pet-sitting service looking after me, being sure I am fed and given fresh water, and have a clean cage with a little free time. I sure will miss Mama though. Cause I bet this other person won't kiss my nose.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Bunny urban legends

I was worried about Toby and all the other poor bunnies at copycat sites. Thank goodness it's all a hoax!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Mama loves me after all. I got cilantro tonight!

Cry for help

Feeling so lonely. I think it's 'cause I chewed the phone cord. Mama, don't you love me anymore?