Friday, September 30, 2005

Dear Houseguests:

Here are some of the accommodations you can expect when lodging at Simone's Bed & Breakfast. And this is just the tip of the iceberg lettuce! Mama guarantees the following:

1) Your bed sheets will be clean.

2) The bathroom tub and sink will be clean.

3) Clean towels.

4) Use of the ironing board.

5) Ants in the kitchen sink ensure you will have company while rinsing your coffee cup.

6) Ambience of pig-sty throughout the house.

7) Been a couple of months since the vacuum cleaner has been touched.

8) Kitchen floor has yet to be mopped since we moved in, and it’s really showing.

9) Dust bunnies dancing on every surface.

10) Botanical wonderland of untamed grass and weeds. For that "natural" look.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Simone Dynamite

Vote for Pedro.