Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lame Bun Puns

Q. What do bunnies use to keep their coats looking good?

A. Hare Spray


Q. What kind of books does a rabbit read?

A. The ones with a hoppy ending.


Q Why was the girl bunny upset?

A. She was having a bad hare day.


Q. If I lost my soft fluffy tail, where would I go to get a new one?

A. At a retail store.


Q: What kind of music does a bunny listen to?

A: Hip Hop!


Q. What did the bunny give his girlfriend
when he asked her to marry him?

A. A 14-carrot ring!


Q. Why did the bunnies go on strike?

A. They wanted a raise in celery!


Q. What do bunnies sing on their birthday?


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Thank you, friends at Rattie Corner...

Awww, cool - styrofoam. My favorite!

Did I hit the jackpot or what?
Can't wait to try those Treatsters!

The cheerios rock. Hrmph. Don't know why
Mama hasn't thought to feed me this before.

Ditto for the yogies!

Not sure which will be yummier, the hay or the plastic bag!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Engaging news

I don't get it, Mama.
Wouldn't a big, fresh head of broccoli make you happier?